昨天的篮球公园里面的歌曲 2013.4.12 里面艾弗森视频里面那个歌是什么、
2013年4月12日晚《篮山正球公昌知园》艾弗森专辑选用的是迈克耐唯消尔-杰克逊非常经典的歌曲《you are not alone》。
last night yo yo whats boorgy town. sicken the mongness swing at ii beat show maker rule shake it shake it downi be the negro what a ha profaeverybody come onwe will be the shaker what'a crazy starso what everybody had enjoyed crazy wild look (down)rock it in the sighchilly women happy (wow)be the big down explaining the heart but super cheaterbaby baby come onyou better rock with mei be the hasha blade for no what you may lay inmaking everybody screammaking everybody dancei am the king of the swearor will you rock in deadcause when we in the place that we talk in shock in the worldcause we will bullshit and speak makes it rocks in a city last night a jewel saved my life, now that all you wantlast night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going onlast night a jewel saved my life, now is bergy timelast night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going on now yo wow wrong wanna a chairsuper negro wanna saidhanging out man negro show will lovesome of a faggotyou are murd when i dread to make a (reabian) connectto yo babies dont try helicopter pipe-checkwe'll be smoking a cigarso as bad as sharperrocking down somebody everywhere of a party over thereman (scrool) sweetie homie sot all the danstroll mad alltrain the city cause we the best drollsize the rockies to flat by a squashlike a super star try to right up at the topwhoever say no way, check it out the quality's downwhoever like it or moaning out turning our stuff around last night a jewel saved my life, now that all you wantlast night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going onlast night a jewel saved my life, now is bergy timelast night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going on now should get down jungle fibre getting tieboogy nightsmoothy is looking for killwe'll be the one and the malewe'll be the top place wrong place raping the worldcause we would have top place now start the pubwe'll be the hard too, shaking everybody what a tough shit barman (snegro) rocks for its talebeating me in the dancemy moving making everybody dancei'll be the dancekeep surprising everybody with a jetand never tell mine too, my thingy got to swing it with meyou taking over your mindcause where the jackets were the baselinechecking it hard cause we'll be the place sudden start bald day last night a jewel saved my life, now that all you wantlast night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going onlast night a jewel saved my life, now is bergy timelast night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going on now damn number rare yo, yeah, come on ,come on ,come on, come ondamn number rare yomoving (water bang) out yoswing twenty fold pop yo (mold chimney) fly yo last night a jewel saved my life, now that all you wantlast night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going onlast night a jewel saved my life, now is bergy timelast night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going on now last night a jewel saved my life, now that all you wantlast night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going onlast night a jewel saved my life, now is bergy time last night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going on now 这首歌就叫《last night》,而且就是艾弗森自己唱的,应该是在05年末发行的吧,是他所脊悔有作品中最有名气的一首歌,打街球或跳街舞的都喜欢用返余它来作背景樱世正音乐,我个人感觉也很不错 这人家的视频太多了 你也得说清楚了啊 是不?~
艾弗森 体前变向交叉步突破 的 求视频
怎样像艾弗森那样突破(体前变向交叉步突破)? 运球是为了突破,要突破,最终是得进攻队员的身体过去才行。身体靠什么带动,脚步!所以脚步动作才是最关键的,下面是我个人对运球过人时(当然其他时候的脚步动作也相当重要)脚步动作的一些见解:1:降重心。 请千万注意,所谓降重心绝不是指你把腰弯下来就可以了,要屈膝而不是弯腰!!!当然还有其他辅助的动作,专业队一般是要求抬头,侧肩以及抬肘(肘子开路而非肘子打人,业余player不学也罢)。2:顺步和交叉步。 这是两种最基本的突破步法。 顺步是指突破的时候,先迈靠前的脚(以你突破的方向为准),交叉步则是先迈靠后的脚。顺步的优势在于快,启动之前把重心放在靠前的脚上,靠后的脚象弹簧样的被压缩,这是快速启动的关键所在!!!! 然后前脚朝前跨,相当于放开了被压缩的的弹簧,想不冲出去也不行了。 缺点是保护不够,有时候对手移动快,判断好的,往你前进路线上卡,可以对进攻队员形成很大干扰。 交叉步跟顺步不一样,它是先迈靠后的脚,启动方法是一样的,压缩 放开。 既然是先迈靠后的脚,那显然启动速度要慢些,不过它的好处在于一旦这只脚迈出去,你整条腿(加上你的身体)可以完全挡住企图占据你进攻路线的对手。 顺步一般是体前变向时用,交叉步则是跨下时用,当然体前也可以用交叉步,毕竟体前变向是最常用的。3:身体 脚步 身体 球请大家注意顺序,身体前倾,脚蹬地,身体靠(往防守队员身上靠,挡他回防路线),球只须带过来,不被对手碰到就行~ 当然如果你玩街球的,另当别论,但玩街球的到了要过人那下,还得遵循过人的一些 基本准则才过去。4:正面的虚晃这也是很常用的,但讲起来话就多了,这里我只提一下要点。假突破的方向一定要用虚晃的脚尖着地,才能保证迅速把身体弹回来,当然如果你的对手菜,身体不动也能骗死他,那你就不必看这些了,呵呵。 最后总结下,过人的方式当然远不只这些,我只是简单讲了下些对常用的动作的体会,大家要在实战中慢慢去体会。篮球知识博大精深。总的来说,战术意识>技术动作,战术意识我没资格讲,刚才讨论的只是技术动作中的正面过人的脚步动作,冰山一角而已,希望可以对广大篮球爱好者有点帮助。若是看球年代比较久远的球迷,想必记得一个艾弗森新秀年的经典镜头:圈顶交叉步云秋变线,居然把天皇乔丹的重心完全骗过,接着艾弗森推进一小步,完成一次标准跳投。身为6英尺的小个子后卫却能立足人林立的nba,艾弗森自然有一套攻坚伐锐的非常手段,包括突破或者投篮的迅速得分都令对手防不胜防。身体素质使然,艾弗森的进退速度堪称登峰造极,但他仍然受制于身高劣势,必须创造一个机会晃开防守者的重心才能寻找投篮机会。视频:http://video.baidu.com/v?ct=301989888&rn=20&pn=0&db=0&s=8&word=����ɭͻ��(这个是他所有的突破http://v.ku6.com/show/wkarnlpopcdtztgw.html(这个第一个是在乔丹面前变向投篮的,看过很多遍了 很振奋,里面几乎全是答案的体前变向http://www.56.com/w59/play_album-aid-230914_vid-odu0nzkyoq.html(这个是答案的 突破集锦你会成功的,努力训练 希望对你有帮助 好多地方啊,56啊,优酷啊,你输入cross over,交叉步变相其实就是变相时出前脚和出后脚的区别,出前脚,能瞬间晃开人,但球很容易被掏,出后脚虽然动作慢点,但身体能完全挡住掏球的人,街球里的动作再怎么花哨也只是在防守人面前晃,但过人最后还是要用到交叉步变相的,再加上胯下假动作辅助,出后脚过人是最彻底,晃人也是最彻底的。看视频是必要的,但要有觉悟性,真正领悟的人不会随便用交叉步的,一个是中心要求很高,二是惯性大,还有是防守人看多了掌握了节奏。所以你最好是能左右开工。 这年头喜欢艾弗森的越来越少了。又找到一个艾迷,由心底的高兴。呵呵 这一招,网友们会给你很多回答的,我想说的是自己的一点心得:体前变相关键是运球的灵活性和拉腰的速度。前点比较容易训练,后一点十分难练,需要大量的实战检验,要不练得都是花架子,比赛中没有用。 祝你成功吧。 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_xmtgznjgzng==.html很多镜头 3:35和 4:00分钟时候 那是经典变向http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_xmtgznju3ng==.html中的第4个和第2个精彩精彩镜头也是 真的很帅 www.91ball.com里面有很多好的视频 你可以去看看的 这个
阿伦 艾弗森运球方法
终于等到一个最感兴趣的提问兆斗了,呵呵,我来为你解答~~~~ 先讲两句额外话~~~艾弗森的运球主要是建立在他的基础功比较扎实的基础之上,比如他的持球奔跑速度和无球奔跑速度相差无几,除了他的天赋过人之外,就是基础功特别的扎实的原因。我想你对篮球也有很大的兴趣吧,经常运球你会感觉你的手掌对篮球的粘里不一样,这就是球感问薯喊题。艾弗森运球时你会发现篮球在他的有效范围内他可以随意掌控,重心低主要是便于突破,打篮球的人都知道这点~~~很抱歉讲了几句废话,我主要是想强调球感对于运球的重要性无法替代,如果你想试着学习艾弗森的运球,先培养自己的球感~~~第一,iverson的运球最实用也最有观赏性的莫过于他的crossover——变向,当年就是用了这招在jordan面前跳投得分,你如果打篮球的话肯定用过,不过直接的体前变相看起来容易,实际做起来很难,如果要真正的达到过人的效果就更难,强调的是动作速度与欺骗性,而这无疑是iverson的招牌~~~第二,连续胯下,这中间的动作衔接可以是晃动,急停甚至可以是跳步,多看看艾弗森的视频,你会发现没人可以抢断iverson,也没胆量去抢断,因为对手只会提心吊胆的防着艾弗森什么时候会突然以最快速度掠过或者急停跳投,因为球一直在他的胯下运来运去,可以为艾弗森赢得有利的时机~~~最后,当艾弗森运球时只要发现时机,会毫不犹豫的冲进内线,据我感觉,以右手持球时冲入较多,可以选择直接上篮,抛投或者传球~~~~ 最后建议学习下艾弗森在01年数猜野总决赛上几个动作,因为那几个动作实在太经典. 艾缓雀丛弗森的变向为什么厉害?这2招运岁陆球技巧扰樱很好用
我有啊郑神液~~对啊~~迫切想知道视频在哪啊??? 歌瞎梁词奉上~~:yo yo whats boorgy town. sicken the mongness swing at i i beat show maker rule shake it shake it down i be the negro what a ha profa everybody come on we will be the shaker what'喊物a crazy star so what everybody had enjoyed crazy wild (look down) rock it in the sight chilly women happy (wow) be the big down explaining the heart but super cheater baby baby come on you better rock with me i be the hasha blade for no what you may lay in making everybody scream making everybody dance i am the king of the swear or will you rock in dead cause when we in the place that we talk in shock in the world cause we will bullshit and speak makes it rocks in a city last night a jewel saved my life, now that all you want last night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going on last night a jewel saved my life, now is bergy time last night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going on now yo wow wrong wanna a chair super negro wanna said hanging out man negro show will love some of a faggot you are murd when i dread to make a (reabian) connect to yo babies dont try helicopter pipe-check we'll be smoking a cigar so as bad as sharper rocking down somebody everywhere of a party over there man (scrool) sweetie homie sot all the danstroll mad all train the city cause we the best droll size the rockies to flat by a squash like a super star try to right up at the top whoever say no way, check it out the quality's down whoever like it or moaning out turning our stuff around last night a jewel saved my life, now that all you want last night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going on last night a jewel saved my life, now is bergy time last night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going on now should get down jungle fibre getting tie boogy night smoothy is looking for kill we'll be the one and the male we'll be the top place wrong place raping the world cause we would have top place now start the pub we'll be the hard too, shaking everybody what a tough shit bar man (snegro) rocks for its tale beating me in the dance my moving making everybody dance i'll be the dance keep surprising everybody with a jet and never tell mine too, my thingy got to swing it with me you taking over your mind cause where the jackets were the baseline checking it hard cause we'll be the place sudden start bald day last night a jewel saved my life, now that all you want last night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going on last night a jewel saved my life, now is bergy time last night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going on now damn number rare yo, yeah, come on ,come on ,come on, come on damn number rare yo moving (water bang) out yo swing twenty fold pop yo (mold chimney) fly yo last night a jewel saved my life, now that all you want last night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going on last night a jewel saved my life, now is bergy time last night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going on now last night a jewel saved my life, now that all you want last night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going on last night a jewel saved my life, now is bergy time last night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going on now 呵呵~~~超赞的`~~ 我知道,是ai自己唱的,叫last night你去baidu查last night 歌手叫iverson 名字=last night 歌手=ai本宏答基人举世下蔽谨载地址=http://www.alleniversonlive.com/music/lastnight.mp3 没看过小i的这段视频, 但是他唱的这首 last night ,是超好听 街头篮球安装包里有这个音乐。
03年啊 03年吧 03 年 都说年少轻狂,我们讨厌年山让森轻人的冲动和狂妄,他们没有别人的阅历深厚,没有别人的经历丰富,但我们又不得不承认年轻就逗亩是冲锋滑信陷阵资本。 其实不管是维特尔的完美发挥
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